Notice of Award
Notice of Award on the Concreting of Road/Farm to Market Road located at Paliueg, San Felipe and Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
NOTICE-OF-AWARD-CO-NCRETING-OF-ROAD-FARM-TO-MARKET-ROADPALIUEG-SAN-FELIPOE..Notice of Award on the Concreting of Road/Farm to Market Road located at Paliueg, San Felipe and Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
NOTICE-OF-AWARD-CO-NCRETING-OF-ROAD-FARM-TO-MARKET-ROADPALIUEG-SAN-FELIPOE..City Mayor Jay L. Diaz graced the completion ceremony for those who completed their mandatory quarantine period at the City of Ilagan quarantine facility. Completers were given their certificates and the usual food packs distributed by Mayor Diaz. The City of Ilagan quarantine program is proven effective in preventing the possible transmission of COVID 19…
Notice of Award on the Asphalt Overlay at Centro Poblacion, Sto. Tomas and Bliss Village, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
Notice of Award on the Concreting of Road/Farm to Market Road located at Sta. Isabel Norte and Sta. Isabel Sur, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
Notice of Award on the Construction of Local Roads located at Alinguigan 3rd, Alinguigan 2nd, Aggasian, Capellan, Fugu, Fuyo, Marana 2nd, Nanaguan, Sta. Catalina, San Isidro, San Pablo, and Tangcul, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
The City Government of Ilagan, Isabela through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) invites Contractors registered with and classified by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB)to apply for eligibility and if found eligible, to bid for the Rehabilitation of City Hotel located at Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela. [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]
Notice to Proceed on the Construction of Mutli Purpose Hall located at Brgy. Centro San Antonio, City of Ilagan, Isabela.