Notice of Award
Notice of Award on the Rehabilitation of Stair and Flagpole Flooring located at City Hall, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
NOTICE OF AWARD REHABILITATION OF STAIRNotice of Award on the Rehabilitation of Stair and Flagpole Flooring located at City Hall, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
NOTICE OF AWARD REHABILITATION OF STAIRNotice of Award on the Construction of Multi Purpose Hall located at Capo & Alinguigan 1st, City of Ilagan, Isabela.
TONY’S GENERAL MERCHANDISE (Payments for the purchase of bihon, sardines, used during relief operations on COVID 19 distributed to constituents) [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]
Notice of Award on the Construction of RHU II TB DOTS Building located at Marana 1st, City of Ilagan, Isabela. [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]
Notice of Award on the Construction of Brgy. Health Center/Day Care Center located at Gayong-gayong Sur, Mangcuram & Namnama, City of Ilagan, Isabela. [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]
Notice of Award on the Installation of Anti Collision Handrails with Corner and Wall Guard at City of Ilagan, Medical Center (CIMC) located at Lullutan, City of Ilagan, Isabela.